An Escape from Reality – Manoir Hovey, Canada

I don’t usually write reviews for hotels or when I travel, but due to the season being summer and global warming making every place hotter, I figured, “Why not take a vacation and write about it?”

I’m currently still trying to get new followers and find time to write more, but it was help TREMENDOUSLY if you guys could recommend me, shout me out, or anything to advertise 🙂

Now! To get to the review – I posted this on as well (with 10 pictures, I’ll attach the link), and fell in love with this place. Two hours from Montreal near a very secluded town called North Hatley, the hotel is found; a literal escape.

Going in to the resort was a little skeptical for my mother and I, as during the drive you’ll find that you are practically in the middle of nowhere. However, that exact fact is the beauty of the place. You are in the middle of a gorgeous “nowhere”. It’s a seclusive, friendly, and outstanding hotel, and those lucky enough to find it will definitely enjoy it.

Manoir Hovey not only provides you with many accommodations during your stay, such as paddle boards, kayaks, canoes, tennis courts, tennis classes, and fishing, but they also enlighten your connection with nature. You can learn about what types of foods they grow in their garden (which is visible for anyone to see and is handpicked for meals), or take a walk al-fresco and enjoy all qualities of life that belong to our long lost friend (at least when you live in the city) called nature.

My mother and I only remained in the hotel for one night. After arriving at 2pm, we took a walk up to North Hatley (not far, I believe it was 1.5miles) on the concierge’s recommendation. I must say that for those who may not think that they are in the best shape, the walk there was absolutely gorgeous.

I was fortunate enough to stop and bask in the smell of unknown flowers and the fresh air that the prolific trees provide, capture moments of my mother smiling away, and upon arriving at North Hatley, fortunate enough to have some ice cream, and then call the hotel to pick us up. Yes, after the walk my mother got tired, and as a result the hotel was more than happy to come and pick us up at no charge.

Now I probably should not make this a very long review, as a majority of you are most likely not going to read this entire experience. Yet that is going to be very difficult, because during my one night stay at the hotel I was able to participate in activities that I will never forget.

At 7:30pm we had our dinner at the hotel’s lovely restaurant. If your anything like my family and do not eat shellfish or meat, then rest assured that the menu and waiters will happily accommodate your needs. First and foremost, I must state that this was THE BEST MEAL I EVER ATE. Perhaps it’s because I have never been to high-end French restaurants, or that the chef’s palette was filled with different colors, flavors, and textures, that by the end of our meal I was closing my eyes with each bite to relish the divinity of the food. We ended up finishing the best and most relaxed meal, due to the fact that in America they tend to rush you to finish your food, and one does not even realize how fast they are eating. Alternatively, this was an entirely new, relaxing, comfortable, and unforgettable experience.

We ended up finishing dinner at 10pm, and then went back to our room. I had a little trouble sleeping (not sure why – perhaps I ate too well too late), but that fortunately enabled me to wake up early enough to see the sunrise!
At 5am I rose (with my sweater and sweatpants) and walked down to the dock where four empty chairs awaited my company.

Lastly, we set off for a small town of Coaticook. Before arriving, I had told three of the workers (different times, different conversations) that we were heading off the Coaticook, and each time their initial reaction was,” oof, they have good ice cream. It’s pretty cheap too.”

My family, in total, are big ice cream fans so this was a new task for us to complete. We got there and stopped at the first ice cream shoppe we saw. Needless to say, it lived up to the expectation and was satisfyingly fresh and gourmet (this place makes everything – perhaps it’s because you are pretty deserted from Montreal and commercial living).

We made a stop soon after at Park de la Gorge (concierge recommended – they also carry Coaticook’s ice cream) for an extraordinarily scenic hike. It truthfully did not even feel like a hike due to all the signs and pavements made for humans, which is good for those skeptical. The waterfalls were gorgeous, and in total the trip turned out to be one of the best trips I had been on in a while.

If the opportunity to go to Manoir Hovey might float your way, sieze it and savor that day.

About mileyblitz

Hi there, my pseudo(name) is Miley Blitz. I'm currently in my second year of high school and enjoy writing. I've never taken a writing course before, meaning that this will not only be for your entertainment but also an opportunity for me to improve my skills. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer, and there is always room for constructive criticism! Aside from writing, I enjoy acting, photography, running, tennis, nature, listening to music, painting, and being around others who make me smile. P.s the tired panda symbolizes my life's struggles (and it happens to be one of my favorite animals) Started my blog on January 14, 2016.
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